Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another Site Dedicated to Helping Those In Need

If you are struggling with a problem that other services listed on this blog can't really accomodate, you may want to check out
It is similar to, the site that I mentioned earlier today, in that it offers a platform to express a need to people all over the country who may be willing, and in a position, to help.
I was browsing the site today to get an idea of the types of assistance that they generally help fund, and I saw everything from financial help in order to get utilities restored, assistance in paying next months rent, assistance for car repairs and even purchasing a car altogether. There are also a lot of requests for help with costly medical procedures.
Sites like this always require patience on the behalf of the person requesting help, but if you have a genuine need people will realize that and there are people out there who want to help.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to thank you so much for this blog, i am not a mom, but a daughter helping my mom take care of my younger siblings, you have no idea how many times i come to your blog to find help. I can't even find the words that express how much i appreciate you posting these sites.

