Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pretty Much the Best Idea I've EVER Had...

So this Christmas is going to be my first Christmas as a single mom where I am not relying on my mom to make it magical.

Usually on Christmas Eve my brothers and I bring our kids over to my mom's house and spend the night there. Once we manage to get the little ones to go to bed we all stay up and fill stockings, arrange presents, etc. Then in the morning all the kids get up at the crack of dawn and wake us up and run downstairs and there is a big Christmas fiasco with shredded paper flying up in the air and fights between them over presents, and then a huge Christmas breakfast courtesy of St. Grandma.

Unfortunately, this year Grandma is having surgery on the 22nd and the rest of us are being forced to pull off Christmas on our own. At first I was kind of bummed... Our "house" is about 500 sq ft and barely holds the three of us, let alone a Christmas tree and presents. I was racking my brain trying to figure out where the kids would hang their stockings and how I would make Christmas morning any different from every other chaotic morning of the year...

Then it hit me! We could stay in a HOTEL! Not just any hotel of course, a hotel with a fireplace for them to hang their stockings, and a separate bedroom where I could put the kids to bed and then sneak out of to leave proof of Santa's visit.

So I called The Grand Hotel in Sunnyvale and booked one of their "Bungalow Suites" which is like a one bedroom apartment, complete with a kitchen, a separate bedroom, and of course a fireplace! Not to mention a complimentary breakfast buffet, which beats having to cook and then do dishes! It did cost me $129 for the night, but that actually isn't that bad and plus, can you really put a price on a great Christmas?

I'm going to get there an hour or two before I bring the kids over and set up a little Christmas scene, with a pre-lit tree, some garland, etc. I'm so excited about it and I think (depending on how well it goes) that this may be a tradition that we keep... At least until we get our own place with a fireplace!

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