Friday, December 2, 2011

Let's Coupon Together in 2012

Since the Christmas season is pretty hectic I've been giving a lot of thought to the best time frame to start posting coupon deals for all of you to use.

When I first started to familiarize myself with couponing, through the use of the millions of blogs that are dedicated to the topic, it was frustrating because in the beginning so many of the deals that they mentioned involved using coupons that I didn't have because they were distributed prior to me starting to collect them. I think that deters a lot of people from trying it because they don't know where to jump in and start.

I know there are lots of people in the Bay Area interested in utilizing coupons as a means of saving money, and I know from first hand experience that when you're first starting out you need to start with baby steps until you get more familiar and comfortable with the process. Since lots of you may not have a coupon stash on hand, I want us all to be able to start on the same page so that all of us can get in on the hundreds of deals available every month without anybody feeling left out.

So I decided that my "Weekly Deals" section will begin the first weekend of January 2012 and will only involve deals that use coupons that become available that week and then going forward all you have to do is keep up with the coupons as they are released.

I hope you'll all join me in making 2012 a year of penny pinching! In the mean time, here are some things that you can do to prepare:

  • Sign up for Sunday Delivery with the Mercury News by calling: 1-800-870-6397 (for whatever reason I can't seem to find a way to do it online) - OR - Familiarize yourself with the stores around you that sell them (Walgreens sells them at a discount)
  • If you don't already have one, get yourself a cheap printer to print coupons on (they have Deskjets at Walmart for less than $40 that come with the ink)
  • Download any of the coupon printing software that you will need in order to be able to print any online coupons that I mention
  • Keep checking this site weekly, and make room in your house for the stockpile you're on your way to building!
I don't know about you, but I for one am excited! I guess I will mark this down as New Years Resolution #1 of about 500 that I make for myself every year!

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