Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mail - The Highlight of My Life

Mail is one of my favorite things in life. As the Corporate Receptionist at a decent sized company here in the Silicon Valley, I get to deal with mail in large volumes on a regular basis. The downside to that is that the majority of it isn't for me, but I still get a thrill as I'm going through all of the piles, just from knowing that something might be for me.

Four days out of my work week I would say I walk away from the mail delivery empty handed, however there are those days every once in a while that I come across something and realize that it is in fact addressed to me. Those are my best days... Today was one of those days!

As my pal, the mailman, set down the USPS crate I noticed the box on top of the pile immediately. There, on the very top of the enormous mail delivery sat a little box, and along the edge of the box I could read the words I had been longing to see on a box for the last six days: "Vitacost".

Six days ago I stumbled on a little website called Vitacost. This website is now an obsession of mine. If you are going to check it out you should check it out here: Vitacost Website because when you register through this link we both get $10 to use on the site, awesome, right??

Now, I don't really do a lot of online shopping, mainly because most of the things that I purchase outside of the categories of food and diapers are all impulse buys that I am convinced I need to have in my life at that second, so I buy them at the store. The reason I am so obsessed with this website is because not only do they have a TON of things that you would never even really expect to see on a health product website, but their prices are amazing. When I got my $10 credit I was able to get two full size Atkins products for FREE, all I paid was $4.99 shipping.

Atkins is the diet apple of my eye right now. I have lost 20 lbs in about 6 weeks and that's the longest I've ever stuck with a diet plan. The only downside is the fact that the Atkins products themselves are like $9 a box at the store, and their stock is usually really limited. Vitacost to the rescue! I could not believe how many things they had from Atkins, and at about half of what the stores charge. Christmas just came early for me!

If you decide to check it out, be sure to leave a comment and let the rest of us know what goodies you scored on the site!

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